Single-cell RNA-sequencing
Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) enables gene expression measurements within individual cells capturing cellular heterogeneity, cataloguing cellular populations and identification of cell states/types alongside marker gene expression. The scRNA-seq data can be generated from a variety of platforms, technologies and sequencing configurations, including 10x Genomics, Drop-Seq, Smart-seq, combinatorial indexing approaches.
We can help plan, design your scRNA-seq experiment for your research questions, goals and various critical considerations:
(i) sample/tissue type (cells vs nuclei), sample preparation and selection (sorting, enrichment)
(ii) Study design (single vs multi-sample, time-course, perturbation, drug treatment)
(iii) Throughput (number of cells)
(iv) Chemistry and platform (total vs mRNA-seq, coverage (whole transcript, 3' vs 5' tags), platforms (plate-based, droplet, combinatorial indexing)
(v) library and sequencing (vi) Cost (experimental and analysis)
Our analysis packages include end-to-end solutions from upstream analusis (library QC, mapping, alignment) to data QC (cells, genes) and downstream analysis such as pre-processing (scaling, normalization), non-linear dimensionality reduction, clustering/cell type and marker identification. We can perform additional specific analysis suited for your project such as trajectory analysis, pseudo-time, integration with public datasets ligand-receptor inference etc., across conditions, sample groups, perturbation/treatment and disease samples