Custom solutions

Everything you need to solve data analysis challenges and beyond !

Data driven solutions for your project

Bioinformatics & data analysis support

Get the most of your biomedical data through our proven expertise and our tailored bioinformatic services. We can help you with a variety of bioinformatics, data analysis across domains (NGS, Proteomics, Metabolomics) to enable your project to reach next level

Design, Biostatistics & lifecycle support

Through our biological and computational expertise, we can provide strategic consulting on your projects such as study design, sample size calculation, randomization, end-point development, target validation among others to ensure reliability and interpretability of data analysis throughout the various stages of your project lifecycle.


Integration, analysis & visualization

We are ready to help you with data integration, analysis, interpretation, visualization and summarization; at each step or as end-to-end solution. We can develop analysis for your in-house data, mine public datasets for exploratory analysis and screen for targets and bio-markers. We can provide the graphics and analysis in easy to download and various customizable formats.

Advanced analytics & ML approaches

With the availablity and generation of big-data in biomedicine and health, our expertise can help you with variety of ML, AI and data analytics approaches for predictive modelling, data-driven and context-aware analysis leading to further insights.

Bespoke solutions (Tailored pipelines, tools & software)

We can help build bespoke and customizable solutions for your data needs such as building, integrating pipelines, software tools and interactive interfaces for data exploration and analysis without need for coding experience.

Other application areas

Reach out to us to discuss if we can support your project and data-analysis needs.